
School Mental Health

written articles

Mind Game: Path to Wellbeing

The main goal of "Mind Game: Path to Wellbeing" is to create an engaging and interactive experience for teens, promoting mental health awareness and...

Talking to Children About Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be very difficult for a family to navigate. It can be especiallydifficult to tell your child that their loved one...

DCPS Unveils New Early Stages Evaluation Center in Ward 7

Today, DC Public Schools (DCPS) Chancellor, Dr. Lewis D. Ferebee, celebrated the opening of the district’s new Early Stages Evaluation Center, co-located within Ron...

Dyslexia Guidebook for SY23-24

The Dyslexia Guidebook is a tool for all families with students who may struggle with spelling or reading. Use this guide to advocate for...

Families and Youth in Transition Program The mission of the Families and Youth in Transition Program is to ensure that every displaced child and youth experiencing homelessness receives free, appropriate, public...

Doodlebug’s Evaluation at Early Stages

January Employee Wellness Series

Discover the perfect wellness webinars and resources designed to empower you to create a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Your well-being matters to us, and we're here to support...

Autism: Effective Strategies for the Classroom

The challenges of teaching students with autism are manifold. As a teacher, you need to be flexible, patient, and creative to help them thrive...

Promoting Wellness at McKinley High: The Self-Care Card Campaign

Youth Mental Health Ambassadors at McKinley High School’s “Tech Minds Matter” Club has recently unveiled an innovative self-care card campaign, a testament to the school’s unwavering commitment to student...

The Special Education Process at DCPS: A Guide for Parents

What does the Special Education Process from referral to eligibility to IEP development look like at DCPS? Hear from our our Specialized Instructional team...

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