
School Mental Health

written articles

Prioritizing Your Mental Health this School Year

It's another school year, and we understand that it may come with a lot of mixed emotions. Whether you're excited to be back in...

How to Achieve Healthy Eating this School Year

Welcome back to another school year! We know that getting back into the daily grind after a much-needed break can be tough, but we...

Social Media and Mental Health

It's no secret that in this digital age, social media has taken over the world. While it was originally designed to connect people across the globe

15 Exercises That Can Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is something that is often overlooked in our busy lives. We tend to prioritize our physical health over our mental health, which...

DC Public Schools Family Guide for Summer Learning 2023

Every summer, DCPS provides summer learning opportunities for elementary, middle, and high school students.

5 Student Tips for Avoiding Summer Slide

Summer is an exciting time - no classes, no homework, and long days spent enjoying the sun. However, it's important to remember that taking...

The role of School Art Therapists

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses art as a means of communication to help individuals express their emotions, alleviate symptoms of...

The Importance of Social Emotional Learning

As human beings, our emotions and social interactions are an essential part of our lives. Yet, often times, they can be overlooked in the...

DC Public Schools is hiring School Psychologists and Social Workers

If you are a school psychologist or social worker looking for a job, look no further than DC Public Schools. With a commitment to...

Recognizing Developmental Delays: A Guide for Parents

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and you want to ensure that they are reaching their developmental milestones on time....

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